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Embroidered Pillowcase - Personalized gifts for Kids

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Embroidered Pillowcase - Personalized gifts for Kids

In order to de-clutter some of my life I have been tackling different areas of my apartment in order to throw away some unwanted items that have been lingering around for years. In doing so, I stumbled across a pillow case that I received at a sleepover birthday party that I attended in elementary school. b2ap3_thumbnail_embroidered_pillowcases.jpgImmediately the memories of that night and many others flooded my brain as I began to reminisce about my younger years. A big part of my childhood was going to or having sleepovers. Whether it was just two of us, or a whole bunch of us, spending the night with my closest friends make up some of my fondest memories of my adolescence. I remember going to sleepovers in the summer, where the best part of the night was when it began to get dark and an intense game of Capture the Flag would ensue. Something about running free in the dark, giggling behind a tree with your partner in crime as you tried your hardest not to give away what you thought was an amazing hiding spot brings a smile to my face. Then there were the nights when you stayed in and played Stiff as a Board and stared in amazement at the girl across from you when your friend really did, seriously, no joke, levitate off the ground. Whether we were hyped up on sugar or delirious from the late hour that we were up, nothing beats the connection that you had with your friends on those nights. There were inside jokes that were made and that were continued at school on Monday, and for me and my friends, still continue to this day. There were secrets told among us that I still hold close to my heart. All moments that brought us closer together and that make many of us still friends as adults. I know that I can call up any one of my friends in which I shared these moments with, and with just a single word that connects us to those nights will have us on the phone for hours. Laughing, crying, reminiscing of the days of when we lived right down the street from one another and not hours away. They are moments that I hope my son experiences when he gets older. The exhilaration of trying to steal the other teams flag or the freedom of being yourself with the ones that know you best. These are the moments and traditions that I hope to pass on to my son and his friends. To encourage the importance of friendship and to cherish the innocence of adolescence. These are the moments that helped shape who I am today and I will forever hold on to the nights in which no one slept, everyone laughed, and we all looked forward to. Now that I work for a Screen Printing & Embroidery business, I too, can recreate these special times in my son's life by creating custom made pillowcases for him and his friends. Luckily my business has an extremely easy to follow website and this creative and fun idea can be available to you as well! The possibilities are endless as far as design. Simply adding the names of the kids involved, or a special friendship quote that speaks volumes to the bonds that have been made. A silly picture that they all come up with, or a logo that they spent the whole night creating. It's a simple gesture that not only will they love when they have it, but I guarantee will hang on to into adulthood. Because these are the friendships that I still have to this day and the memories that I will always cherish. To start designing these custom made pillowcases, visit http://getprinteshirts.com



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Guest Monday, 10 February 2025